국립부경대학교 | 국제지역학부
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서울대학교 문학박사
- 2003. 7 University of Montreal, training for professors.
- 1999.1-1999.7 Lecole Normale Superieure de Fontenay/St. Cloud, auditeur scientifique ?tranger
- 1995. 7 University of Nice, training for professors.
- 1985 - 2000 Ph.D, Seoul Graduate School , Seoul National University
- 1990 - 1991 University of Sorbonne i n France
- 1980 - 1982 M.A., Seoul Graduate School, Seoul National University
- 1976 - 1980 B.A., Seoul National University(Department of French Language&Literature)
- 1984 - Present Professor, Pukyong National University
- 1984 - Present Member, Association of French Language and French Literature in Korea
- Prize of the Primary Minister in memorial of the day of Ocean, 2002.
- Prize of the Seconary Minister in memorial of the day of Teacher, 2007.
- Prize of the President of the Pykyong National University in memorial of 30 years works, 2014.
- essays; the Secret of fig tree, 2000.
- Period of the Transformation, Mineumsa, 2001.
- Flaubert and The Sentimental Education, Gifyung, 2003.
- A study on the religion of Flaubert, Study on the French Culture, n. 9, 2004. 11. 27
- A study on the movie Les Miserables, Study on the French Culture, n. 12, 2006.
- A study on the Cannes film festival and the movie “Milyang”, Study on the East-North Asian Culture, n. 15, 2008.
- A study on the movie “ Messenger: the story of Joan of Arche” of Luc Besson, Study on the Human and Social Science, n. 10-2, 2009.